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Title: 67-501, General Science B
Institution: TAFE Television, Australia


Certificate, training.

Measurement. Units. Recording. Tabulation. Density. Buoyancy. Energy. Heat. Static and current electricity. Simple electric measuring instruments. Machines. Light. Spectra. Diffraction. Dispersion and basic optical systems.

Assessment is carried out internally.

Programmes for which this course is required or in which it can be included:
Certificate of Cultural and Social Studies
Certificate of Introductory Laboratory Skills.



Media and methods employed: Printed text, face-to-face tutorials, telephone tutorials.
Printed correspondence texts prepared by/for institution, face-to-face tutoring, face-to-face counselling, telephone tutoring, counselling by telephone.

Administrative information:
This subject requires more than 6-8 hours of study per week. Enrolment is valid until 30 November of the year following the year of enrolment. (Enrolment begins on 1 December).


070430 PHYSICS

Date: 23 January 1995 bb
Source: 1994 Handbook

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